
Apr 1, 2011

India, Economists as worldly philosophers, and Foster Wallace - let's call it a day.

India demographics (from Free Exchange):
India has, in effect, added to its population the entire citizenry of Brazil, itself the world's fifth most populous country. This rapid growth is a major reason why some analysts are more bullish on India's long-term prospects relative to China's. India will continue to enjoy a demographic dividend while China's catch-up growth may be constrained by the pressure of an aging population.
While leading figures in the early history of economics conceived of it as inseparable from philosophy and other humanities, there has been movement, especially in recent decades, towards its becoming an essentially technical field with narrowly specialized areas of inquiry. Certainly, specialization has allowed for great progress in economic science. However, recent events surrounding the financial crisis support the arguments of some that economics needs to develop forums for interdisciplinary interaction and to aspire to broader vision [if you read until the end of the paper, you will see why the Journal of Economic Perspectives is one of my favorites]. 
New book by David Foster Wallace, a review from the Times:
Not surprisingly, a novel about boredom is, more than occasionally, boring. It’s impossible to know whether Wallace, had he finished the book, might have decided to pare away such passages, or whether he truly wanted to test the reader’s tolerance for tedium — to make us share the misery of his office workers, who come to remind us of the unhappy hero of Joseph Heller’s “Something Happened,” or some of Beckett’s bone-weary characters, stuck in a limbo of never-ending waiting and routine.

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