
Jun 5, 2011

Entrepreneurship and high adrenaline

For our IBD project, we are helping a Mexican healthcare startup with their expansion strategy. And when I say startup, I mean we are working out of the CEO’s apartment. 
The office – also our home for these three weeks – is abuzz with interns, advisors, lawyers, accountants, architects, and job applicants. Just from overhearing the HR director’s phone calls, I have picked up the Spanish words for ‘resume’ (curriculum), ‘interview’ (entrevista), and ‘hire’ (contratar). Javier’s mom comes by with office supplies and extra furniture: two new tables and four more chairs since we’ve arrived.
In one of our first meetings, Carlos brought up this quote from The Alchemist:"When you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it." True enough, on our first day in the office we met a hospital administrator who put us in touch with some of our most useful contacts. Two weeks in, I am starting to believe the world is doing its utmost to help this team succeed.
If you want high adrenaline don't jump from a plane, create your own startup.

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