
Jun 15, 2011

Five ways to boost climate innovation in Ethiopia

From a policy perspective these are the most innovating ones: 
3. Designing a ‘re-entry’ strategy: The diaspora is now returning to Ethiopia, often with cash and experience to impart. Daniel Gizaw is an entrepreneur who recently established an Ethiopian subsidiary of his Michigan-based company. dVentus Technologies resembles a silicon valley tech park, housing an electronics lab, workshop and a multi-axis CNC (computer numerical control) machine which brings the lab’s  designs to life. It is people like Daniel who see incredible opportunity in taking advantage of Ethiopia’s supply of affordable, educated talent and the region’s expanding market and influence.
4. Thinking outside the city: Ethiopia is divided into nine different regions and two chartered cities spanning an ecologically, topographically and climatically diverse country. Likewise, Ethiopia’s regional governments also play an important role in decision-making at the local level. A regional approach for a CIC will need to be designed to adequately address capacity constraints, engage local talent, access markets and interact with relevant policy-makers.

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