
Jan 25, 2012

Road accidents: A case of rural India

There was a marked male preponderance (88.77 %) with maximum involvement of younger age groups. Most of the accidents had taken place in the evening hours (6 pm -12 midnight). The vulnerable road users like motorized two wheeler, LMV [car , jeep, or van] and pedestrians constituted 41.52%, 19.39% and 13.41% respectively. Only 158 of 545 two-wheeler users wore a helmet at the time of injury. 16.24% of drivers did not have a valid driving license. Not using indicator lights and not following speed limits were two most common factors responsible for these RTA.
That is form the paper "An epidemiological study of road traffic accident cases at a tertiary care hospital in rural Haryana," by Singh et al. Where is Haryana?

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