
Feb 16, 2012

The "Journal of Economic Perspectives" in a few sentences

  1. It is difficult to substantiate a pervasive Energy Efficiency Gap in the US. Paper.
  2. The creation of a smarter transmission and distribution grids in the US seems pretty uncertain. Paper
  3. As it is today nuclear power is not cost-effective in the US. Paper
  4. "Generating electricity from renewable sources is more expensive than conventional approaches but reduces pollution externalities." Paper
  5. "Over the next 25 to 30 years, nearly all of the growth in energy demand, fossil fuel use, associated local pollution, and greenhouse gas emissions is forecast to come from the developing world." Paper. I have a post on this one. 
  6. A carbon tax or a cap-and-trade policy are more desirable to address externalities created by petroleum fuels in the US economy but they are not politically feasible; the hope lies on new technologies. Paper
  7. For-profit education institutions been the fastest-growing in the higher education sector in the US, they have a deeper reach but unemployment among their students is the highest. Paper
  8. College in the US is a lottery. Paper.
  9. The US higher education is in transition (tuition, faculty composition, etc.), as a consequence getting Ph.D.s will be less attractive. Paper
  10. "After controlling for skill differences and incorporating employer costs for benefits packages, we find that, on average, public sector workers in state government have compensation costs 3-10 percent greater than those for workers in the private sector, while in local government the gap is 10-19 percent." Paper
The US focus is obvious. (1) and (2) call for more research specially using RCTs [ideas for dissertation research]. I name this number of the JEP: the uncertain one . . . only (5), (10), and probably (3) bring some straight conclutions. I guess that shows how slowly economics advances (or it tells how hazy the energy and education future of the US looks like).

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