
May 8, 2012

My favorite journal at 25

The JEP is 25:

Stiglitz: "The Journal of Economic Perspectives has helped make the marketplace of ideas work much better." 

The editor as designated dummy. An article every editor must read.

A very good article on how China and India are changing the global economy -- includes good telling graphs. 

Two characteristics of the international trade landscape: 1) the rise of intra-industry trade, and 2) "the world trade is dominated by huge, innovative, and extraordinarily productive firms."

How internet data can be used to do research. It has a examples of publications. 

A profile of Jonathan Levin. 

Why is the JEP my favorite journal 1) it is interdisciplinary, 2) it is written for the general audience, and more importantly, 3) it is open access. 

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