
Jun 22, 2012

Does the Leader’s Ethnicity Matter?

In this article we reassess the role of ethnic favoritism in sub-Saharan Africa. Using data from 18 African countries, we study how the primary education and infant mortality of ethnic groups were affected by changes in the ethnicity of the countries’ leaders during the last 50 years. Our results indicate that the effects of ethnic favoritism are large and widespread, thus providing support for ethnicity-based explanations of Africa's underdevelopment. We also conduct a cross-country analysis of ethnic favoritism in Africa. We find that ethnic favoritism is less prevalent in countries with one dominant religion. In addition, our evidence suggests that stronger fiscal capacity may have enabled African leaders to provide more ethnic favors in education but not in infant mortality. Finally, political factors, linguistic differences, and patterns of ethnic segregation are found to be poor predictors of ethnic favoritism.
From a new paper by Franck and Rainer published in the APSR (May 2012). The full title is "Does the Leader's Ethnicity Matter? Ethnic Favoritism, Education, and Health in Sub-Saharan Africa."
The authors suggest in the conclussion:
In future research, it would be interesting to compare the roles of political parties in chan- neling ethnic pork in democracies and autocracies, as well as to study the relationship between ethnic favoritism and political instability in the two types of regimes.

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