
Jul 3, 2012

Academic journals for everything

This article reports the first known study on dogs in Port-au-Prince. Interviews with 1,290 residents provided information on 1,804 dogs. More than 57.7% of homes kept dogs. Not all the dogs received vaccinations for rabies (41.6%), even though 28.2% of households had had a household member bitten by a dog. Although the “owned” dog population had decreased as a result of the earthquake in January 2010, the number of roaming dogs appeared to have been uninfluenced by the disaster. Given that 64.8% of dogs probably had access to the street and only 6.0% of the females were spayed, to humanely contain the dog population will require both confinement and neutering. Although roaming dogs were considered a nuisance by 63.3% of respondents, 42.6% of households fed dogs they did not own.
The title of the paper is "Care of Dogs and Attitudes of Dog Owners in Port-au-Prince, the Republic of Haiti" by Fielding et al. It came out in the new number of Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science (2012). 

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