
Aug 28, 2012

"Creative Industries"

The creative economy is a relevant economic phenomenon. In 2005, it generated $2,706 billion GDP and exports of creative goods and services reached $424 billion, which represents 6.1% of the world GDP and 3.4% of total world trade (Howkins 2007; UNCTAD 2008). For this reason, the creative economy has become a topic in economic research since the latter 1990s, after the publication of the DCMS Creative Industries Mapping Document reports (1997 and 2001) and the later success of the Florida’s book The rise of the creative class (2002). Whereas Florida’s distinctive sign is the creative class, this is, those creative workers directly related to the creative process, the creative industries entail in practice a sector-based approach to the phenomenon of creativity.
A map from the paper:
Classification of creative industries:

  • Printing and publishing 
  • Architecture and engineering Film, 
  • Video and performing arts 
Non traditional  
  • Software & Computer Services 
  • Advertising 
  • R&D
The authors conclude:

Creative industries are highly concentrated, particularly around the largest cities of each country and sometimes forming large hubs. London and Paris are the largest ones, followed in the ranking by Madrid, Milan, Barcelona and Roma. Despite the size of these creative agglomerations, other local creative systems are found around medium cities, generating a geography of creative industries that is diverse, heterogeneous and complex, and with a particular spatial distribution for each country.
Although these industries are more common in developed areas, they could be a mechanism to promote growth in developing countries. Or at least they could be a used to recover public spaces from crime in metropolitan areas of Latin America, for example. Think especially about the performing arts.
HT: Roberto Zanola

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