
Aug 30, 2012

Who are more tolerant towards immigrants?

Ethnic minorities, urban people, people with higher education and higher income, as well as people who have work experience abroad are, as a rule, more tolerant towards immigrants in Europe. . . Respondents’ labour market status of (employed, unemployed) does not have a statistically significant relationship with their attitudes towards immigrants.
That is from the new paper "Determinants of People’s Attitudes Towards Immigrants in Europe" by Paas and Halapuu (August 2012). The authors add:
The results also confirm the validity of human capital theory, which claims that a higher level of education leads to a greater level of tolerant attitudes. People in higher income groups are more tolerant towards immigrants. Surprisingly, labour market status does not have a significant impact on attitudes towards immigration: attitudes of employed and unemployed people show no significant statistical difference from those who are out of the labour force. We also ran an analysis to compare attitudes towards immigration among two groups – students and those out of the labour force (excluding students) – and we received confirmation that students attitudes towards immigrants are more positive than the attitudes of those out of the labour force. The estimated parameters of personal characteristics of the respondents (age, education, religion, ethnicity, etc.) are statistically significant and have the expected signs. Gender does not have statistically significant relations with the respondents’ attitudes towards immigration.

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