
Sep 9, 2012

Exporting Institutions (Ref. Canada - Guatemala)

Source: Imai, Maheandiran, Crystal (September 2012). The name of the paper is: "Accountability across Borders: Mining in Guatemala and the Canadian Justice System."
This is the situation:
This is a case study of mining in the El Estor region of Guatemala. Canadian mines have operated in the region since the 1960’s when local communities were removed to create an open pit nickel mine. Since then, the mines have been associated with assassinations, forced removal and alleged rapes. There are now three law suits pending against HudBay Minerals relating to their ownership of the mine between 2008 and 2011. HudBay and the claimants have strikingly different version of the events surrounding the murders and and alleged rapes. Given the nature of violence in Guatemala against community leaders who express concerns with mining, we argue that courts in Canada should take responsibility for determining whether or not HudBay bears some responsibility.

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