
Nov 19, 2012

Health Care in China

[In late 2012] China was home to 20 percent of the world’s population but consumed only 5 percent of total global health expenditures, filed for just 2 percent of international health patents, and was a host to only 5 percent of multi-­sited clinical trials underway in 2012.
Overall, analysts predicted healthcare spending in China to grow to $1 trillion by 2020, tripling 2010 levels and comprising 7 percent of GDP. By many measures, reform and expansion of China’s health system was the largest social and economic experiment underway in the world.
That is from the new working paper "Healthcare in China: Institutional Trajectories and Future Opportunities," by Arthur A. Daemmrich (November 2012).
A table from the paper on expenditure per capita in certain countries:

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