
Jan 10, 2013

Doing Business in Latin America

As Colombia has improved its business regulatory environment, results have shown in Doing Business indicators— including those on starting a business, paying taxes, protecting investors and resolving insolvency. Indeed, thanks to its sustained efforts, Colombia has made greater progress toward the frontier in regulatory practice since 2005 than any other Latin American economy (figure 3.1). P. 26.
The graph and text are from the Doing Business Report 2013. It is here
What is the frontier? The report says:
The frontier is a score derived from the most efficient practice or highest score achieved on each of the component indicators in 9 Doing Business indicator sets (excluding the employing workers and getting electricity indicators) by any economy since 2005. In starting a business, for example, New Zealand has achieved the highest performance on the time (1 day), Canada and New Zealand on the number of procedures required (1), Slovenia on the cost (0% of income per capita) and Australia and 90 other economies on the paid-in minimum capital requirement (0% of income per capita) (table 21.2). P. 133. 

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