
Mar 6, 2013

Alcohol, violence, and social organization (Cincinnati)

From a new paper by Pridemore & Grubesic (The British Journal of Sociology, December 2012):
Using Cincinnati blocks groups as our unit of analysis, we found a consistent pattern of results that showed that social organization weakens the effect of alcohol outlet density on assault. With one exception, these findings held for both simple and aggravated assaults and for off-premise outlets, bars, and alcohol-serving restaurants. Our findings also suggest that social organization may entirely negate the effects of alcohol outlet density on aggravated assault.
How do the authors measure "social organization"?
Social organization was measured as an index consisting of the three most common substantive measures of social disorganization in the literature: socioeconomic disadvantage, female-headed households, and residential instability. The first was measured as the proportion of the population living below the poverty line, the second as the proportion of households in the block group headed by a female and with a child under the age of 18 years old, and the third as the proportion of housing that was renter occupied.

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