
Mar 19, 2013

Immigration and Crime (England and Wales)

. . . [O]nce controlling for under-reporting and for basic demographic characteristics, even though not statistically significant, the effect of being an immigrant on crime is robustly negative across all model specifications (and statistically significant in some of those specifications).
That is from the new paper by Georgios Papadopoulos (February 2013), "Immigration Status and Criminal Behavior: An Application of Estimators for Under-reported Outcomes using the Crime and Justice Survey." The author argues:
. . . [I]mmigrants may be more risk averse and discount future less heavily. As a result, they might be more responsive to potential punishment and other deterrent factors (Bucher and Piehl, 2007). In addition, not only do immigrants face a higher probability of apprehension, but they are also confronted with the threat of deportation. Finally, coming from poorer countries, they are satisfied even with much lower economic outcomes than natives. 
HT: Mark Lee.  

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