
Aug 10, 2013

Social Entrepreneurship: Drivers and Positive Effects

We model and test the relationship between social and commercial entrepreneurship drawing on social capital theory. We propose that the country prevalence rate of social entrepreneurship is an indicator of constructible nation-level social capital and enhances the likelihood of individual commercial entry. We further posit that both social and commercial entrepreneurial entry is facilitated by certain formal institutions, namely strong property rights and (low) government activism, albeit the latter impacts each of these types of entrepreneurship differently. We apply bivariate discrete choice multi-level modelling to population-representative samples in 47 countries and find support for these hypotheses.
That is from the paper "Entrepreneurship, Social Capital, and Institutions" by Estrin, Mickiewicz, & Stephan (Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, May 2013).

In terms of SE education the authors add:

For entrepreneurship education, our research suggests that enhancing social entrepreneurship could be an important route to increase entrepreneurship among university graduates and women – both topics high on the policy agenda. Thus, universities offering courses and business incubators for commercial entrepreneurs should re-think to widen their offering to also encompass social entrepreneurship; this is already beginning, but there is need for more. Importantly, social entrepreneurship is in many ways more complex than commercial since it requires combining business models with an understanding of social change. Hence it requires different (societal) value creation logic, and specialist staff to train for these skills.
One of the main arguments is that SE creates social capital. 

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