
Mar 16, 2014

Political Economy Experiments in "The Economic Journal"

In case you have not seen them, there are several papers on political economy experiments in the latest number of the The Economic Journal. This is an interesting one on vote buying:
Vote buying, i.e. cash for votes, happens frequently in many parts of the world. However, in the presence of secret ballots, there is no obvious way to enforce vote transactions. To infer effects of vote buying on electoral behaviour, I designed and conducted a randomised field experiment during an election in São Tomé and Príncipe. I follow a voter education campaign against vote buying, using panel survey measurements as well as disaggregated electoral results. Results show that the campaign reduced the influence of money offered on voting, decreased voter turnout and favoured the incumbent. This evidence suggests that vote buying increases participation and counteracts the incumbency advantage.
The paper is titled "Is Vote Buying Effective? Evidence from a Field Experiment in West Africa," by Pedro C. Vicente. A draft is here

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