
Apr 29, 2014

Entertainment as Crime Prevention: Evidence from Chicago Sports Games

Algunos estudios han encontrado que ciertos eventos deportivos están correlacionados con incrementos en niveles de violencia, sobro todo doméstica. Un nuevo estudio encuentra que cuando se transmiten eventos deportivos el crimen disminuye, el estudio se hizo en Chicago. Muy probablemente algo similar pasa con la violencia y/o el crimen en América Latina durante el mundial de fútbol. Una implicación es que al menos cierto tipo de crimen se hace con propósitos recreativos. 

The concern that mass media may be responsible for aggressive and criminal behavior is widespread. Comparatively little consideration has been given to its potential diversionary function. This paper contributes to the emerging body of literature on entertainment as a determinant of crime by analyzing Chicago by-the-minute crime reports during major sporting events. Sports provide an exogenous infusion of TV diversion that we leverage to test the effect of entertainment on crime. Because the scheduling of a sporting event should be random with respect to crime within a given month, day of the week, and time, we use month-time-day-of-week fixed effects to estimate the effect of the sporting events on crime. We compare crime reports by the half hour when Chicago’s NFL, NBA, or MLB teams are playing to crime reports at the same time, day, and month when the teams are not playing. We conduct the same analysis for the Super Bowl, NBA Finals, and MLB World Series. The Super Bowl generates the most dramatic declines: total crime reports decrease by approximately 25 percent (roughly 60 fewer crimes). The decline is partially offset by an increase in crime before the game, most notably in drug and prostitution reports, and an uptick in reports of violent crime immediately after the game. Crime during Chicago Bears Monday night football games is roughly 15 percent lower (30 fewer crimes) than during the same time on non-game nights. Our results show similar but smaller effects for NBA and MLB games. Except for the Super Bowl, we find little evidence for temporal crime displacement before or after the games. In general, we find substantial declines during games across crime types – property, violent, drug, and other – with the largest reductions for drug crime. We believe fewer potential offenders on the streets largely explain the declines in crime.
The paper is by Games Ryan Copus Hannah Laqueur. 

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