
Apr 27, 2014

The determinants of individual scientific performance (Italy)

Evidence of clear-cut and significant substitution or complementarity effect between teaching and research activities is not found. Indeed, a major teaching load does not apparently affect the odds to be a non-active researcher, while it has mixed and very weak effects on publication performance of active researchers. A negative relationship among productivity and administrative tasks [proxied by faculty meetings] is highlighted. 
The data
We analyze original data referring to a medium-sized Italian university which employs 942 researchers covering many scientific fields in Life Sciences, Physical and Engineering Sciences and Social Sciences and Humanities. P. 22.
Younger researchers are probably more attentive and sensible than older scholars to the selection of the journals where their outlet is going to be published. P. 22.
You can find the paper here. It is by Alberto Baccini, Lucio Barabesi, Martina Cioni, & Caterina Pisani (all of them at the University of Siena). HT: Jonas Holmstrom

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