
Dec 17, 2013

The Best 10 Economics Papers of 2013

According to the number of visits to this blog - some of them came out as working papers in 2013, or they were published in 2013.
  1. The Wealth of Subnations: Geography, Institutions, and Within-Country Development. (Working paper 2013). By Todd Mitton.
  2. Better than Ploughing. (PSL Quarterly Review 2013). By James M. Buchanan.
  3. MIT’s Openness to Jewish Economists. (Working paper 2013). By E. Roy Weintraub.
  4. Gold Returns. (Working paper 2013). By Barro & Misra. 
  5. Riding in Cars with Boys: Elinor Ostrom's Adventures with the Police. (Journal of Institutional Economics), (working paper 2013). By Boettke, Palagashvili, & Lemke. I did not find an ungated version of this paper. 
  6. Some Perspectives on Linked Ecosystems and Socio-Economic Systems. (Working paper 2013). By Arrow, Ehrlich, & Levin.
  7. The Impact of Parental Death on Child Well-Being: Evidence from the Indian Ocean Tsunami. (Working paper 2013). By Cas, Frankenberg, Suriastini, & Thomas.
  8. Family Ties. (Working paper 2013). By Alesina & Giuliano.
  9. The economic impact of Special Economic Zones: Evidence from Chinese municipalities. (Journal of Development Economics 2013) (working paper 2009). By Jin Wang.
  10. Does Urbanization Affect Rural Poverty? Evidence from Indian Districts. (Working paper 2013). By Calì & Menon. 
The post on the paper "Childhood Socialization and Political Attitudes: Evidence from a Natural Experiment" has had many visits as well. (The Journal of Politics 2013). By Healy & Malhotra.
Of course there is top research in economics out there that is not in the list.
The 2011 list is here.
The 2012 list is here

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